Friday Randomness : Jumping jacks + Jersey Shore

JD and I spent the last two days in Santa Barbara enjoying amazing weather, delicious food, and talking. Or should I say talllllking? Because that's all we did. Talktalktalk. We had such long business meetings I had to walk into a parking lot and do jumping jacks. I kinda got crabby and I felt it, so I walked into the sunshine and jacked the funk away. It works. Trust me.

At one point throughout the day, I turned to JD and said I was all talked out, that I didn't think I could talk any more. I saw a small smile creep across his face…a smile that said, FINALLY!!!

In case you might be crabby and prefer to stay away from the athletic prowess jumping jacks require, here are a few things that made me smile this week for another installment of Friday Randomness…

Just look at these Helvetica cookie cutters…die! I'm so not the baking type, but if I had artsy friends come over, I'd so make cookies to show how hip and cool I was.

I came across an article on Mashable showcasing 10 Facebook Timelines that Will Blow You Away…and you wanna know what? I was kinda blown. Away, that is. Made me think Polo really needed to step up his game because being cute just won't cut it anymore…

Okay, so I don't wanna be those annoying girls who blog about their workout routine (although if you ask nicely I can give you TICKETS TO THE GUN SHOW!!), but I saw that a group in London developed a concept called Cycle-In Cinema, a pop-up movie theater that is fully powered by the audience on bikes. Ummm, helllllo awesome!!!! Whoa, I need to kick it with the exclamation points, huh? Either way, this is a brilliant idea…I could eat popcorn and not feel guilty. Sign me up!

So, I'm kinda a sucker for pillows. As in, I just need to buy them. Unnecessarily so. And candles. I collect pillows and candles with such ferocity you might think I'm planning a romantic day year in. But, let's be real…just look at these custom tech pillows! So much cuteness I just wanna hug my inner geek…

I saw this and I could help but laugh…then go and bolt my books to my library case…

Stay Fabulous,